What is it With Narcs and Worship?


A lot of narcissists have this deal with worship.  They want you to bow.

They want you crushed and under-foot.  They want unquestioning and unflinching obedience, adoration and service- and for what?  While they are out practicing their scumbaggery, you are supposed to be the ever devoted and doting spouse- believing in (and worshiping) the image they set forth for public consumption.

At first, you might buy into it all- due to the novelty and preciousness of it.  It’s kind of fun “playing house”.  I think the narc likes to make it cute because it’s the way they get their foot in the door.

It’s the first phase of training you to be exactly what they want.

Oh, and they will make you “exactly what they want”.  They will turn you into their Bride of Frankenstein- emotionally manipulating you into giving them whatever they want from the bedroom to the baseboards, breaking you in over time to do exactly be a voiceless, ever present slave.

And if you dare to disobey, then:  The Wrath.  You will learn your place.

You will try to honor the master, but you will never quite meet the mark.  And you never will.  You can stitch yourself a new face, beat your body into submission, grovel, beg, plead…and it will all only be to the delight of your captor.  He has you preoccupied with attending to his whims so you never have a moment to think for yourself.  It’s pretty brilliant, and oddly- this all just seems to be a part of their instinctual Modus Operandi.

The narcissist wants your worship.  They wants to usurp every other “super power” in your life, including yourself.  They are like the Devil himself, proclaiming his/her glory over every living creature or entity in existence.  Are they really worth all that?  Or are they just humans who shit and fart and smell- just like everybody else.  Worthy of worship on ANY level?

I will let you be the judge of that.