Operation Subjugation


Here’s the definition of subjugation:  

“the act, fact, or process of subjugating, or bringing under control; enslavement”

This word just popped into my head this morning and I realized:  “That’s it!”  That’s the entire goal of the NPS (Narcissist, Psychopath, Sociopath).  And for what purpose?  To feed their fat little egos?  Entertainment?  To fill the unfillable void?

The aim of the NPS is to subjugate every person who might have more personal power than they do.  That’s why they try to chose good people.  Sometimes they choose weak people to add to their conquests (hey, they are into numbers) but often, they really like to take the strong ones down.

Think of it as a sport.  

What hunter does not want the prized animal’s head on his/her wall.  The thing is- when you pit two beings against each other, and they both play by different rules and with different weapons (elks can’t shoot a rifle) the more cunning of the two will win.  The one with the better weapons will win.  For the most part, that elk really didn’t even know he was at war.  He was just out getting breakfast.  And so it was with us, wasn’t it.

But now we know.  

The problem with subjugation is when you don’t know that’s what’s happening to you.  When you think it’s love.  Sometimes it takes years before you see the truth.  There will be this unrest in your soul for a long time because you can’t put your finger on it, and it’s like you are in waiting for your soul or your brain or ANYTHING to put the pieces all together for you so you can get this figured out.

And when you finally do: enter Cognitive Dissonance.  This is where you are living in two realities and you can’t quite grasp which one is correct.  That’s a whole ‘nother battle.  Welcome to the War.

But now you know you are fighting.  That’s a good thing.

So the NPS’s goal is subjugation.  Of you.  Of me.  Of anything he/she desires.  They want to win.  And when we either don’t fall under their spell, or we come out from under it, we become the enemy.  Oh, they can keep the multitudes en-rapt perhaps, but the very fact that they don’t- in fact- have the power to keep us all corralled like good little animals just shows they lack the omnipotence they thought they had.  And it pisses them off.

So shake off the ropes.  Be prepared to stand your ground.  Be prepared to stand alone.  Be prepared to become the sovereign human being (not needing validation from another) and badass that you were meant to be.

I’m right there with you.